Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Research the Inuit culture using the library or the Internet.

Describe the Inuit culture. Where is it located? What are their norms and values? How has modern times changed their culture?

Describe your information in 1-2 paragraphs.

Remember, when posting, leave your name so I can assign the points to your grade. Click on the comment button to leave your response. Responses are due by Monday, September 17 at 1:30 p.m.


Anonymous said...

The inuit people live near the Arctic.They live in Alaska, Canada, and Russia.They also are not a depeloped group of people. They used to be called eskimos, which is taken from a native american word meaning "Raw meat eater". They hunt for fish and seals. They tell stories,beat on drums and dance for entertainment. They have been around for a long time and they will be here for a long time too.


Anonymous said...

the inuit has many interesting thing to them. The Inuit language is called Inuktitut.They live in Africa. They don't have very much techology.
Andy Larsen

Anonymous said...

The People Inuit live in Alaska, Russia, and up around the Atric. Culture in English frequently means music, theater, dance or anything involving entertainment. Myths, legends, historical accounts, and storytelling for centuries.

Anonymous said...

The Inuit people live mostly in northern parts of Canada. They also live in some parts of Greenland. The term eskimo is one they don't really like and shouldn't be referred to as. Instead, they prefer the term Inuit, which means "people" or "the people."
Their beliefs are based heavily on mythology. The areas they inhabit are as well. They look into the northern lights believing they may see loved ones, and believe the waters contain great gods. They also think all things have a form of spirit. Today many Inuit people work in oil and gas, construction, government jobs, and many still supplement their income through hunting as well.
