Thursday, August 16, 2007


Welcome to sociology. This class focuses on the behaviors and interactions of human society. We're a small class this year, so your participation is key to making our class a success.

For your first post, please respond to the follow question:
Why is it important to study the habits and behaviors of society? Why does this study interest you?

Remember, when posting, leave your name so I can assign the points to your grade. Click on the comment button to leave your response. Responses are due by Friday, August 31 at 3:30 p.m.


Anonymous said...

It is important to study to study the behaviors and habits of society because through studying sociology people can have a deeper understanding of the unnecessary problems that face our human society. Also through knowing the problems that face us, we can solve them with deeper solutions. I am interested in this class because I think learning about why society behaves as it does is important. I think this because I crave understanding and through studying sociology people can find some answers.

Anonymous said...

I think it is important to study sociology because you learn about the behaviors of groups or different people in there groups. You also can learn why groups act the way they do.

Anonymous said...

i think it is important to learn about behaviors of society so you can learn how to react to things and how to take care of things. I don't know why I am interested I just need to graduate but i will try really hard to pass.


Anonymous said...

It is important to study the habits and behaviors of society to understand and learn to know how people “work”, what they think and how they behave. With this knowledge you will know better how to talk to people and you will know what they think about you and their environment. Problems with other people will be solved on a higher level and a better understanding for each other.
To my opinion it is important to learn the behaviors of the human being to succeed in life. If you know about the way people think you have better opportunities in a job, in your social life and I will probably learn to know myself a little bit better.

Michael W.