Thursday, August 16, 2007

Government Skinnie

Welcome to your senior year! As explained in the syllabus, students will be learning about current issues, the three branches of government, and the three levels of government.

For your first post, please respond to the follow question:
What are three things you want to accomplish in this class? What are three things you hope to accomplish by graduation?

Remember, when posting, leave your name so I can assign the points to your grade. Click on the comment button to leave your response. Responses are due by Friday, August 31 at 3:30 p.m.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'd like to get an A. I want to understand better why people involved in politics act the way they do. I also would like to refine my opinion, beliefs and views considering politics and government.

Well, I'd like to get all A's if possible. I want to leave my mark on the school (a good mark). Not that I need to be recognized but that the school is better because I did something to improve it.I also want to impact people's lives. Again, not so they will know who I am 10 yrs from now but that I was able to help that person become the most they can be.

Anonymous said...

The three things I want to accomplish in this calss are; to pass with a B or higher, remember what I learned the first day on the last day, and to better understand why our country works the way it does.

The three things I want to accomplish by graduation are; pass all my classes with a B or higher, get all the hours needed at work to get the credits needed to graduate, and start preparing for college.

Anonymous said...

In this class I want to pass with at least a B, learn more about our government, and learn about what all the people do to run our country.

By graduation I want to be passing every class I'm taking, know what college I'm going to go to, and know what I want to study in college.


Anonymous said...

The 3 things I want to accomplish during this class are pass it with an A, decide if I want to be a Republican or a Democrat, and get all my projects done on time.

My senior year I want to have lots of fun, graduate in the top 5 of our class, and get a better score on my acts. Angela

Anonymous said...

i want to gain more knowlage about the governement. and about the democrats as well as republicans. as for graduation i want jsut to leave with the ability to live in this face paced world.

Anonymous said...

In this class I would like to get at least a B, learn about the government so i know what they are talking about on tv, and learn some of the people on the tv.

By graduation I want still in NHS, Know what i would like to do in my life, and still be happy...


Anonymous said...

throughout the year i would like to pass this class with a B maybe more. I would like to learn about the behind the scenes activities in our government.
By the time this class is over i want to know more about the upcoming presidential race and to know more about my future
Gregg k. Max

Anonymous said...

In this class I would like to recieve at least a "B" and learn more about our government and what goes on.

By graduation I want to pass all my classes, and know what college I'm going to and have some good scholarships.


Anonymous said...


In this class I want to pass with at least a B, learn how our government works, and understand why they do what they do.

By graduation I want to pass all my classes, make sure I get all of the hours of work done for Senior Portfolio, and start preparing for college.

Anonymous said...

Class Goals:
1. To Pass the Class
2. To learn about what our government people do.
3. To find out who killed Kennedy, the truth behind our government.

Graduation Goals:
1. Graduate
2. Do Good my senior year
3. Pull the ultimate Senior Prank!


Anonymous said...

i just want to pass every class with at leasta c or higher that means i will have work my hardest.

then i would like to GRADUATE.

nick L.

Anonymous said...

By the end of this class, I want to at least have a B or higher. I want to know what the certain people do to run our government. I also want to accomplish the 3 projects.

By graduation, I want to be registered for college, raise my gpa back above a 3.5, do well on the act.


Anonymous said...


I plan on having a lot of fun in school and after school before I graduate. I want to enjoy my last year of high school. I also plan on deciding for sure what I want to do with my life before I actually leave for college. I plan on applying for many scholarships for Iowa to go into the pharmacy program.

Anonymous said...

Three things I would like to accomplish are, One I would like to achieve the highest grade possible I can in this class. I would also like to learn a vast amount about our government. Lastly I would very much like to know what other peoples views on our government are.
By graduation I hope to have raised my GPA. I want to pass all my classes and have a fun year

Jessica DeBord

Anonymous said...

Three things i want to accmplish are , that i just want to pass this class and want to know about the Goverment.the 2 thing is that i want to get good grades and i want to do every thing good in this class. The 3 thing is that i want to know about the other goverments in in the world. I hope by Graduation i get all my get asll the grades that i can get . and i just want to have fun .
by Georgia Adams

Anonymous said...

three things i would like to accomplish is to pass with a b. i would like to remember everything i have learned the first day. get to know every body.

Anonymous said...

The three things i would like to accomplish before this class ends are pass with at least a b,learn more about the positions in government,and complete all of my projects with a b or higher.

Before graduation i just want to have fun as a senior. I would like to have better study skills before i graduate and also i would like to get to know everyone in my graduating class.


Anonymous said...

3 things i would like to get out of this class would be to get my 3 projects done, stay on task and pass with atleast a B.

3 things that i want to accomplish by the time i graduate is to not let any opportunities pass me by, try my hardest and most of all graduate.

Anonymous said...

3 things i would like to get out of this class would be to learn something about the government, the real difference between republicans and democrats, and pass with an A.

3 things i would like to do before i graduate would be get a new car, know what i want to do in college, and to raise my GPA.


Anonymous said...

I want to pass the class, learn more about governments, and understand our country better.

I also want to do well in all my other classes, be ready for college, and graduate.


Anonymous said...

For this class first of all I would like to pass. I would also like to have a better understanding of the different types of government and what each of them do. finally, I would like to be able to use the info that I learn in this class elsewhere in my life.

As for a senior I want to graduate, pass with a good gpa, and enjoy it while it lasts.


Anonymous said...

I would like to pass government with at least a B average. I would also like to learn what the government does for my town and for my country. I know nothing about the government such as the chairs or ranks, so I would like to know a little more that what I do.
As a senior i have a lot of weight set on me by Mr. Heslinga, my mom and dad, and even myself. I would like to do this senior port. thing corectly. I would like to be looked up at by my classmates as a good person. Lastly I would like to pass high school with all my classes with atleast a B.